Friday, November 2, 2012

The Seed Drop Protest

For a long time I have been thinking about how incredibly ridiculous the drug laws are, especially when pertaining to marijuana. I am not only referring to America, where I was born, raised and spent the majority of my adult life, but all around the world. Even hemp, which refers to strains of cannabis that contain little to no THC, is illegal to grow in many places. In other words, you can’t even get high from it, yet all that industry is lost to the people. In addition to the literally thousands of industrial uses (paper, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, construction (as with Hemcrete and insulation), body products, health food and bio-fuel), cannabis has also been proven time and time again in clinical trials to be medically beneficial. Additionally, through not only medical but also recreational use, it has been found that it is almost impossible to die from cannabis poisoning. There have actually been more cases of water intoxication deaths than from overdosing on marijuana. Even the detractors of the drug, when they are not lying outright, have almost nothing to stand on when they state their case against it. There have been some minor side effects associated with taking the drug and/or when discontinuing its use. So, basically, cannabis is not for everyone. It is obvious to anyone who has read up on the subject of marijuana that the benefits far outweigh the risks. So as either responsible pot smokers or nonsmokers who agree that it should be decriminalized, what do we do? First of all, educate yourself and others. Those that claim it is dangerous and does no good are either lying or ill informed. Conversely, the people that say cannabis is all good and has absolutely no side effects are either fooling themselves or they are just plain idiots. That type of behavior is not helping the cause. Second, understand that the mindset of ‘it doesn’t affect me, why should I care?’ is wrong. Even if you do not partake, it does affect you. It’s about freedom. You are an adult who can make your own decisions. You don’t need government to be your mommy. It is also about jobs. When it is illegal, only the criminals and the government make money from it. You should have the right to make money from it as well. This is why I am proposing what I believe to be the ultimate form of protest. The Seed Drop. How would it work? Simple. Pretty much anywhere you live, there are fields and wooded areas nearby that are rarely or never mowed or tended to. On your way to work, down the street or even behind your apartment complex. If you’re a smoker, just take a short walk or pull over to the side of the road and drop and/or throw your seeds. You don’t even need to bury them, although if you can, go ahead. Unless it’s too cold or too shady of an area, something will probably grow eventually. Think about how awesome it would be if one day you were walking and found a few weed plants. Wouldn’t it just make your day, your week, your month? I think it’s time we fight back in a way that is nonviolent, anonymous (if you so choose) and gives back to the community. We need to make a stand and show that we will not give up. If you stand behind this idea, reblog or link to this on a post, link on twitter with the hashtag #SeedDrop, write your own post or even copy and paste this one and post it as your own. I don’t even care that much if I don’t get credit. Let’s do something instead of just sitting around and waiting for things to change. I know, November probably isn’t the best time to get this started, but I want to get the ‘seed’ of the idea planted. See what I did there?